
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice

Watching a loved one suffer from an excruciating illness or injury is painful. What’s even more painful, however, is when their condition is worsened—or in some cases, induced—by medical negligence.  Here are a few common examples of medical malpractice. Misdiagnosis One of the most common forms of medical malpractice claims stems from misdiagnosis. As the name suggests, this occurs when a doctor or healthcare professional gives an incorrect diagnosis to the patient after examining them. This can then result in the patient getting incorrect treatment or not getting any treatment at all, based on what the medical professional determined. Among the most commonly misdiagnosed illnesses are cancer and heart attack. Since these are life-threatening illnesses, failure to diagnose them correctly can have drastic consequences and may result in the patient’s death. Other common examples of misdiagnoses include healthy individuals being diagnosed incorrectly with a condition they don’t have, and

Filing a 3M Combat Arms Earplug Lawsuit—What Damages are Available?

In the wake of the 3M Company coming under fire for selling defective combat earplugs, you might be considering doing the same. Perhaps you, too, were a soldier in the military between 2003 and 2015. Maybe you also used those infamous earplugs, and have been facing physical repercussions ever since.  By all rights, you should file a lawsuit. And if you are second-guessing yourself, here’s why you shouldn’t: Possible Damages From the Defective 3M Combat Arms Earplug Many people have wondered why a product they used so long ago is such a big deal. After all, the company discontinued the product in 2015, right? It’s not like the earplugs are in use anymore.  Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean there are no long-term problems to think of. These defective earplugs did permanent damage to a soldier’s ears. And many of these symptoms don’t show up until later on in life.  Many people didn’t notice the warning signs straightaway. And even if they did, these soldiers were un

Speeding to Save Time—Not Worth the Risk!

Tearing down the highway in your car, feeling the wind through your hair as you whip past other motorists—speeding might be a very exhilarating experience! But if there’s anything that history has taught us, it’s that one simple mistake, like going above the speed limit can result in fatal consequences. Facts about Speeding Speeding accounts for one-third of all major vehicle accidents  in the country and was the primary cause of road accident-related fatalities in 2016, counting for more than 10,000 people. Speeding also accounts for 31 percent of all US teen driver fatalities. But despite these statistics, speeding continues to be disregarded as a cause for concern by the general population. Why is that? Making a Case for Speeding? For most cases, a common reason for speeding was familiarity. Given that the driver knew the route, they were able to anticipate their commute as they always had. However, a significant flaw in this reason is pedestrian movement.