Social Security Disability Benefits: Some Critical Facts You Should Know

Social Security Disability Benefits: Some Critical Facts You Should Know

Physical disabilities are as much a mental trauma for the sufferer as a major financial stressor. Depending on your medical condition, you might or might not be able to work anymore. This doesn’t just halt your professional career but also deprives you of financial support. 

That’s when Social Security disability benefits become your lifeline and pull you through difficult times. 

Here are some critical facts you need to know about them.

Social Security disability insurance offers disability benefits to those who have worked

The insurance program offers disabled citizens and their dependents an alternate means of support if they have  paid  Social Security taxes for the required period of time. If they have been diligent tax payers, the insurance pays benefits in the event that they’re unable to resume work because of their condition. This is why it’s crucial to understand the importance of paying Social Security taxes that are levied on your income.

Disability is unpredictable and can happen to anyone at any age

Traumatic incidents can leave innumerable citizens with lifelong injuries, disabilities or an untimely death. Some medical diseases have an equal chance of afflicting the young as well as the old. These include mental problems, or terminal illnesses like cancer. Out of every-four 20-year olds, at least one suffers a disability before they approach retirement. In that case, they won’t have the retirement funds to help cover their financial needs. Consequently, they’ll depend on Social Security disability benefits for survival. 

Social Security Act has a strict criterion for defining disability

There are strict eligibility rules when deciding if you are eligible for financial aid, in case of a disabling illness or accident. This insurance program is different from other private plans and government projects like veterans’ benefits. It doesn’t offer partial coverage for disabled people like workers’ compensation. 

Under the Social Security Act (Act), a deserving candidate is one who’s rendered incapable of working any job because of a condition that will last more than a year or result in death. The disability must be one that doesn’t allow you to continue work in the same field or work any kind of job.

Because of these regulations, it can be difficult to qualify for benefits. Records show that disability beneficiaries have  three times the probability of dying within a year as other people their age. Disabled people, who are offered insurance at the age of 55, typically die within 5-years of their diagnosis.

Social Security disability payments offer aid for basic sustenance

As generous as this insurance program is, it only offers support for most basic requirements for support. The average monthly benefit amounted to $1,237, during November this year. This is only enough to keep the beneficiary and their dependents above the poverty line. The federal definition of poverty levels for a family of four aggregates to an income of $25,750 per year.

Social Security takes strict measures to prevent or prosecute fraud

The selection criterion in place for Social Security disability benefits is very strict in order to prevent fraud. The insurance program prosecutes all those found guilty of fraudulently receiving disability benefits. The incidence of fraud remains well within 1 percent.

Social Security offers free employment support for the disabled

Disabled beneficiaries often wish to work again but fear losing the disability benefits by doing so. Social Security takes proactive measures to ensure such people are connected with free employment support options while continuing their healthcare allowance for them. It also offers the safety net for them to fall back on should their condition make it difficult for them to continue working. 

If you want to find out more about Social Security disability regulations or you have been denied SSDI benefits, get in touch with The Law Offices of Lisa Douglas. They have experienced SSI disability lawyer in Little Rock/North Little Rock.


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