
Showing posts from February, 2020

How Long Must You Wait Before Applying for SSD Benefits?

When it comes to applying for Social Security Disability benefits, many people are under the misconception that you have to be disabled for a specific period of time in order to become eligible for receiving disability income. However, that’s far from the truth.    Over the course of this article, we’ll take a closer look at when you can apply for SSD benefits, and why delaying your application can actually be harmful. When Can You Apply? While there’s no need to wait for months and months to apply for and collect SSD benefits, it’s important to become familiar with the eligibility requirements before you apply.  According to the SSA’s (Social Security Administration) definition of disability, an individual must have a documented disability that is either terminal or is expected to last for a minimal period of one year.  When evaluating for SSD application, the SSA will first look to whether you have a source of income.  If you’re working part-time but not g

Attorney For Social Security Disability

Do you need an attorney for Social Security Disability?  If you’re wondering if you qualify, you’ve probably been researching social security disability benefits on your own. You’ve probably already checked out the official website . You’ve done all the necessary reading on qualifying conditions , compassionate allowances ,  and quick disability determinations . You also know that the SSA—Social Security Administration—doesn’t demand  that you hire a disability lawyer.  Let’s say you know all this and feel pretty good about your chances. You feel that you’re adequately prepared to represent yourself. We’re not saying it’s impossible, but have you considered everything that’s going to take place in such a case? Disability Claim Denied - Filing Deadlines Let’s say you already applied for social security disability benefits and were welcomed with a denial—which happens quite a lot. By the by, did you know that the SSA might even be looking at your social media —Facebook