What to Do If You’re the Victim of a Drunk Driving Accident

Twenty-eight people die each day as a result of drunk driving accidents. Countless others are injured or suffer financial damages emerging from this issue. This act of negligence and disregard for oneself and for other people can uproot entire families, destroy lives, and so much more.  

Drunk driving is dangerous for obvious reasons, including the fact that it inhibits your ability to think and see clearly, endangering your life and that of others in your vehicle, other drivers, or pedestrians on the street.

It’s criminalized and penalized across every state, although there are variations in the law. Arkansas has a statute of limitations in the case of personal injury resulting from car accidents, and this applies even if you're the victim of a drunk driving accident. This means you have three years to file a claim against the defendant in order to get your rightful compensation.

What Arkansas law says

In 2017, 26% of all driving fatalities were a result of alcohol impairment.  This makes for a grim reminder of how dangerous drunk driving can be for every individual involved. It's more than just the perpetrator and the victim; it affects entire communities and multiple families.

Arkansas and many other states follow the rule of ‘implied consent,’ which means any driver operating a motor vehicle while under the influence agrees to be tested for blood alcohol levels, whether it's through a breathalyzer, urine or blood samples or any other legal means necessary.

This means the law criminalizes the act and protects the interests of victims, who require medical, financial, and emotional support in the wake of an accident. If your person and/or property has been damaged by the negligence of a drunk driver, you are entitled to compensation and legal counsel.

The first and foremost step to take after a medical evaluation and treatment is to hire a personal injury attorney.

Why a lawyer is necessary

A lawyer becomes a necessity for various reasons when you’re the victim of a drunk driving accident. This is especially helpful when making an insurance claim. Your insurance provider will have complex policies and require your signature on documents that allow them to settle the claim faster and partially.

It’s best to have an objective third-party to help gather necessary and relevant evidence, build a case, and evaluate the damage accurately, so you are fairly and fully compensated.

How you can choose the right lawyer

A professional lawyer will not only gather all relevant evidence and documentation of your medical history in the wake of the accident, but they will also ensure that you are not roped in by insurance tactics that absolve them or the guilty party of their responsibility toward you.

Don't settle for less or nothing at all. The law is on your side; you need the right counsel for representation. If you or a loved one have been the victims of a drunk driving accident in Little Rock, AR, reach out to the Law office of Lisa Douglas. A nurse and injury lawyer by profession, she will defend your rights and protect your interests. Contact her today!


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