
Showing posts from July, 2020

Dealing with Aggressive Drivers— Avoiding Conflict and Preventing Accidents

Aggressive driving has become a serious problem in the United States. According to the AAA Newsroom , more than 80% of drivers reported having experienced aggression or road rage at least once in the past year! Aggressive driving is also a leading cause of the millions of car accidents in the country each year . Aggressive driving is defined as any action while driving that endangers other persons or property. These include: ·   Blocking the passing lane and not yielding the right of way ·   Tailgating or failing to maintain a safe distance ·   Not using turn signals before switching lanes ·   Making rude or obscene gestures to other people on the road ·   Honking the horn without reasonable cause ·   Yelling at fellow drivers or pedestrians ·   Misusing headlights by using high beams ·   Blocking the road and not letting other motorists pass ·   Parking badly by using more than one parking space or parking in a space reserved for handicapped drivers Tips for Avoiding Conflict on The R