Dealing with Aggressive Drivers— Avoiding Conflict and Preventing Accidents

Aggressive driving has become a serious problem in the United States. According to the AAA Newsroom, more than 80% of drivers reported having experienced aggression or road rage at least once in the past year!

Aggressive driving is also a leading cause of the millions of car accidents in the country each year.

Aggressive driving is defined as any action while driving that endangers other persons or property. These include:

· Blocking the passing lane and not yielding the right of way

· Tailgating or failing to maintain a safe distance

· Not using turn signals before switching lanes

· Making rude or obscene gestures to other people on the road

· Honking the horn without reasonable cause

· Yelling at fellow drivers or pedestrians

· Misusing headlights by using high beams

· Blocking the road and not letting other motorists pass

· Parking badly by using more than one parking space or parking in a space reserved for handicapped drivers

Tips for Avoiding Conflict on The Road

Navigating around aggressive drivers while staying calm is essential for safe driving and preventing accidents. Here are some smart tips for dealing with aggression on the road:

Reduce Your Own Stress

The first thing you must do to avoid escalating possible aggression on the road is to deal with your own stress. Make sure you are well-prepared to drive by getting plenty of rest, food, and are well-hydrated.

Concentrate on things that will help you relax if you encounter aggressive behavior on the road or feel road rage coming on. Take deep breaths, loosen your grip on the wheel, and try to remember that you control your reaction.

Avoid Making Eye Contact

Aggressive drivers tend to intimidate others by driving too close and trying to make eye contact. The best way to deal with this is by ignoring them and concentrating on the road ahead.

By making eye contact, you involuntarily give a signal to the aggressive driver that you are looking for a confrontation as well.

Stay Off the Horn

Honking at an aggressive driver who has cut you off or isn’t letting you pass will only inflame tensions. You don’t know the state of mind of the aggressive driver, so the best course of action is to avoid making any noise and remain patient.

By showing restraint, you will prevent the aggressive driver from overreacting to a situation even if the fault clearly lies with them!

Be Courteous but Protect Yourself

It’s always nice to be courteous on the road and be as polite as you can to diffuse potential conflict. However, you should always err on the side of caution and take measures to protect yourself from aggressive drivers.

Make sure all the doors are locked and windows are rolled up in case an aggressive driver comes towards you looking for a confrontation. Leave enough gap between you and the car in front of you to pull out and change lanes to get away from the situation as quickly as possible.  

Reliable Auto Accident Lawyer in N. Little Rock!

The Law Offices of Lisa Douglas Inc. in Little Rock, AR, has an extensive background in dealing with auto accident and personal injury claims.

The renowned law firm handles each client with compassion and ensures rightful compensation for their claims. Their services include car and truck accident claims, nursing home claims, and medical malpractice cases.

Call at 501-798-0004 to discuss your personal injury claim or visit the website for more details.


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