The Role of a Lawyer at a Disability Hearing

If your request for reconsideration of your disability claim has been denied by the Social Security Administration (SSA), you’re not alone.

According to statistics from the Disability Benefits Center, around 86% of Social Security Disability claims are denied at the reconsideration level.

Thankfully, a disability claim denial isn’t the end of the road. You’re given the opportunity to request a formal hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). At this point, the assistance of an experienced disability lawyer could be invaluable.

Here’s why it’s in your best interest to hire a disability attorney before your hearing begins.

Collecting Opinions from the Physician(s) Treating You

Due to the regulations of the SSA, ALJs generally give higher preference to the opinions of the doctor treating your disability compared to those provided by other healthcare workers. Consequently, the ALJ will consider your physician’s opinion regarding your treatment and disability at your hearing.

In order to maximize your chances of success at the hearing, obtain evidence regarding your disability and treatment from your physician. Since they have a complete understanding of the SSA’s requirements with regards to proving disability, an experienced disability lawyer will assist you in identifying the diagnostics and documentation you need to prove up your claim.

Cross-Examining Medical Experts

A medical expert may be brought in by the Social Security Administration to provide testimony pertaining to the severity of your disability.

The expert will evaluate the medical evidence supporting your claim before delivering a professional opinion on whether or not your condition meets the SSA’s criteria.

At your hearing, your disability lawyer is able to question the medical expert and will work to ensure that they’re considering the opinion and medical evidence provided by your own doctor, and that they’re interpretation of the SSA’s disability criteria is correct.  

Familiarity with the Local Judges

If you live in a low-population area, chances are that an experienced local disability attorney is familiar with the different administrative law judges that could be assigned to your case. This could be an advantage for you. Why? Well, when your lawyer knows the habits, preferences, and reputations of your local ALJs, they’re able to better prepare the case and present it in a manner that’s favorable to the judge on the bench.

If you require the services of an experienced disability attorney in Little Rock, AR, contact the law offices of Lisa Douglas.


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