A Brief Guide to Hit and Run Accidents in Arkansas

Unfortunately, hit and run accidents are very common in the United States. Theres been an increase in the number of hit and run accidents that have resulted in over 2000 deaths each year. According to the reports, theres more than one hit and run every minute. The majority of individuals affected by hit and run crashes are pedestrians or bicyclists.

What is a hit and run accident?

A typical hit and run case in Arkansas consists of a motorist colliding with a pedestrian, bicyclist, or another vehicle and then taking off. The driver doesn’t stop to see how the victim is doing nor offers any help. Instead, they speed off hoping to get away.

As tragic as this is, this is very common and often leads to fatalities. Passersby often notify emergency services and medics are sent to the scene to tend to the victim. The local police also reach the scene to determine what happened, trace any witnesses, and take a statement from the victim, if possible.

The police try to document information about the vehicle make and model and the search for the said vehicle then begins. Once the vehicle is found, the driver is detained.

So why do drivers flee the scene?

Drivers that strike a pedestrian or bicyclist flee the scene mainly due to fear. Once they realize what has happened, they don’t know what to do next and drive off out of fear of the consequences of guilt.

Many drivers also run because they’re already in trouble with the law. They either have a suspended license, no insurance, are driving under the influence, are in possession of illegal substances, or have a prior criminal history. Unlicensed drivers are 9 times more likely to run after causing an accident.

Fleeing the scene doesn’t help. The police are able to track down the driver and the vehicle in a short amount of time with the help of eye witness accounts, CCTV footage, and any other evidence they can find.

Victims could have been saved

The saddest thing about hit and run crashes is that, most of the time, the victim could have been saved, had the driver stopped to provide some help or called the emergency services. The longer the victim goes without medical aid, the less likely their chances to survive or make a complete recovery.

What to do after a hit and run?

If youve been hit by a driver, just know that the law is on your side. Get in touch with an experienced personal injury attorney in Little Rock to help you get justice.

Are you looking for an injury lawyer in Little Rock? Get in touch with Lisa Douglas today. You can also use her legal services for medical malpractice, work-related injury, and much more.



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